Baobab Networking Centre


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Izele is supported by
Darwin Initiative Wildlands Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust Critical Ecosystem Partnership fund

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Baobab Networking Centre is a non-profit organization our main focus is to create technology awareness, poverty eradication, and supporting with school uniform and equipment (maintenance) in immensely disadvantaged communities such as deep rural, informal settlement and farm schools. We aim is to introduce ICT learning opportunities as a subject in hard-to-reach communities throughout the country in preparation of ever changing technology in the world. Rural areas in South Africa exist below maintenance levels and remain underprivileged.

Baobab Networking Centre is a non-profit organization our main focus is to create technology awareness, poverty eradication, and supporting with school uniform and equipment (maintenance) in immensely disadvantaged communities such as deep rural, informal settlement and farm schools. We aim is to introduce ICT learning opportunities as a subject in hard-to-reach communities throughout the country in preparation of ever changing technology in the world. Rural areas in South Africa exist below maintenance levels and remain underprivileged.