Wildlife ACT


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Izele is supported by
Darwin Initiative Wildlands Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust Critical Ecosystem Partnership fund

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We are a team of experienced conservationists - rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands dirty working in the field 365 days a year - to save our endangered and threatened wildlife from extinction. We are an efficient team stretching every cent to make sure it is utilized in meaningful and focused conservation work. Our main focus is on endangered species such as Black Rhino, Painted Dogs and Vultures as well as priority species including Cheetah, Elephant, Lion, Leopard and Hyena.

We are a team of experienced conservationists - rolling up our sleeves and getting our hands dirty working in the field 365 days a year - to save our endangered and threatened wildlife from extinction. We are an efficient team stretching every cent to make sure it is utilized in meaningful and focused conservation work. Our main focus is on endangered species such as Black Rhino, Painted Dogs and Vultures as well as priority species including Cheetah, Elephant, Lion, Leopard and Hyena.