Kim Roques


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Izele is supported by
Darwin Initiative Wildlands Hans Hoheisen Charitable Trust Critical Ecosystem Partnership fund

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I am a social enterprise & eco-tourism entrepreneur, green investor and conservation ecologist. I founded All Out Africa, Lidwala Lodge, Hout Bay Backpackers, Tofo Marine Research Centre and Mbuluzi Savannah Research Centre and spend my time overseeing these. I am a family man, out-door adventurer and wildlife and sports enthusiast. My aim is to build social enterprises in southern Africa that help achieve the global development goals and conserve wildlife and to have fun along the way.

I am a social enterprise & eco-tourism entrepreneur, green investor and conservation ecologist. I founded All Out Africa, Lidwala Lodge, Hout Bay Backpackers, Tofo Marine Research Centre and Mbuluzi Savannah Research Centre and spend my time overseeing these. I am a family man, out-door adventurer and wildlife and sports enthusiast. My aim is to build social enterprises in southern Africa that help achieve the global development goals and conserve wildlife and to have fun along the way.