The Home Tab appears on every organisation and project page. It lets you add a photo that best represents your conservation area, group, business or project and a short summary describing who you are and what you do. It also summarises the news and information from the other tabs on your page, bringing everything together and providing links to the other tabs.
Adding/changing/removing the Home Tab photo
- Log in to Izele and go to the page that you manage.
- Click on the Add/update image button. To add/replace a new image, click in the box surrounded by a dotted line to choose a file or drag a file to upload it. To use an image you have uploaded before, click on Choose from images you’ve already uploaded.
- The image should be automatically added. If it does not appear immediately then refresh the page.
- To remove the image, click on the Remove existing image button.
Adding/editing the summary text
- Log in to Izele and go to the page that you manage.
- On your Home Tab, next to the Add a page summary heading, click on the Edit text icon
- Type in the text in the text box. The text has to be 400 characters or less, including spaces.
- Click on the Save button.
Other information
- Map. If you have specified your location on your Map tab, the location will be shown on a map of your country. If your map tab is blank, people will just see the country map.
- Species. If you have listed some species on your Species tab, Izele will show the silhouettes of twelve of them (repeating the images if you have added fewer than 12 species). If you have listed no species then Izele will show your country’s map.
- News. If there are posts on your News Feed tab, Izele will show the most recent post.