The Amenties tab is optional and can only appear on organisation and project pages. It contains information on the products and services provided by the organisation or project, as well as the activities that they run.
Making the Amenities Tab active
- Log in to Izele and go to the page that you manage.
- If your organisation is based in Eswatini or Mozambique, the Amenities Tab will already be available and active (because work developing this functionality was funded on a project focused on these two countries)
- If your organisation is based in South Africa, you will need to subscribe to this service. Since August 2020, every organisation can receive a 1 year free subscription.
- For South African organisations, go to the inactive Amenities Tab and click on For a free 1 year subscription, please click this link. This will take you to the Subscriptions section of the Edit your details Tab.
- Under Add a new subscription, click on the Special Offer: 1 year free Amenities Tab subscription (ecotourism tools) button. Clicking on the button will redirect you to the Amenities Tab so that you can start adding information.
- For South African organisations, if you return to the Subscriptions section of the Edit your details Tab, you will see that you have an Active subscription that will expire in 1 year’s time. For Eswatini and Mozambique organisations, you will see that the subscription will never expire.
COVID-19 information
During the pandemic, Izele has a number of functions to share information about how businesses have responded to COVID-19. Please follow this link for more details.
Update TripAdvisor link
- Log in to Izele and go to the page that you manage.
- Click on the Amenities tab
- Visit your page on the TripAdvisor website and click on the Share icon. Then choose the Copy link option.
- In the Update TripAdvisor link section, paste the link text into the Trip Advisor Link text box and click on the Save button.
- As page manager, you will see all the details of the link. Page visitors will only see Trip Advisor icon that will be linked to your TripAdvisor page.
Update Accommodation information
- Log in to Izele and go to the page that you manage.
- Click on the Amenities tab
- To add text about your accommodation in the Accommodation section, click on the Edit accommodation text icon
. Type in information about the accommodation you provide and then click on the Save button.
- To add photos showing your accommodation to the Accommodation section, click on the Add/Remove photos button. In the dialog box click on the Add more images section and the images should then appear in the dialog box section under the Click to add/remove images heading. Select the images that you want to appear and a large green tick icon will appear on top of them. They will now also appear as photos in the Accommodation section. Click on the Close tool button.
- To remove photos from the Accommodation section, click on the Add/Remove photos button. In the dialog box click on the images you want to remove, so that the large green tick icon no longer appears on top of them. Click on the Close tool button.
Update Food information
- Log in to Izele and go to the page that you manage.
- Click on the Amenities tab
- To add text about your food in the Food section, click on the Edit food text icon
. Type in information about the food you provide and then click on the Save button.
- To add photos showing your food to the Food section, click on the Add/Remove photos button. In the dialog box click on the Add more images section and the images should then appear in the dialog box section under the Click to add/remove images heading. Select the images that you want to appear and a large green tick icon will appear on top of them. They will now also appear as photos in the Food section. Click on the Close tool button.
- To remove photos from the Food section, click on the Add/Remove photos button. In the dialog box click on the images you want to remove, so that the large green tick icon no longer appears on top of them. Click on the Close tool button.
Update Activities information
- Log in to Izele and go to the page that you manage.
- Click on the Amenities tab
- To add text about your activities in the Activities section, click on the Edit activities text icon
. Type in information about the activities you provide and then click on the Save button.
- To add photos showing your activities to the Activities section, click on the Add/Remove photos button. In the dialog box click on the Add more images section and the images should then appear in the dialog box section under the Click to add/remove images heading. Select the images that you want to appear and a large green tick icon will appear on top of them. They will now also appear as photos in the Activities section. Click on the Close tool button.
- To remove photos from the Activities section, click on the Add/Remove photos button. In the dialog box click on the images you want to remove, so that the large green tick icon no longer appears on top of them. Click on the Close tool button.
Update Activities icons
- Log in to Izele and go to the page that you manage.
- Click on the Amenities tab
- To add activities to the Activities section, click on the Add/remove activities icon button. You will see a list of activities icons in the dialog box. Click on the activities that you offer so a large green tick appears on top of each relevant activity icon. Click on the Close tool button and those icons will now appear in the Activities section.
- To remove activities from the Activities section, click on the Add/remove activities icon button. Click on the activities that you want to remove so the large green tick no longer appears. Click on the Close tool button and those icons will now not appear in the Activities section.