The Umtamvuna Nature Reserve is located on the road to Izingolweni, off the R61 to Port Edward, and is the best example of the eastern coastal sandstone region in South Africa, and the only example of Pondoland coastal highland sour veld under coastal management. The fortress-like koppies and sandstone cliffs, grasslands scattered with wild flowers and dense riverine rain forest with numerous pretty waterfalls tumbling into the gorge have a magical quality.
The Umtamvuna Nature Reserve is located on the road to Izingolweni, off the R61 to Port Edward, and is the best example of the eastern coastal sandstone region in South Africa, and the only example of Pondoland coastal highland sour veld under coastal management. The fortress-like koppies and sandstone cliffs, grasslands scattered with wild flowers and dense riverine rain forest with numerous pretty waterfalls tumbling into the gorge have a magical quality.