The research center is used for accommodation, meetings, lectures, presentations and workshops for field research and education purposes. The center is open to independent researchers wishing to use the center to carry out research projects. Such researchers will need to adhere to the terms & conditions of the center specifically and Mbuluzi Game Reserve in general.
Ecological field research and education. We offer internship and volunteering opportunities, school group projects and educational experiences, university field classes and studies.
Current research projects include: Reproductive Demographics of Crested Guinea fowl, Guttera pucherani. Assessment of Mammalian Biodiversity at Mbuluzi Game Reserve. Savannah Monitoring: Camera Trapping. Savannah Monitoring: Small Mammal Trapping. Savannah Monitoring : Vegetation Monitoring. Investigation of Foraging Behaviour of African White-backed Vultures (Gyps africanus). Bats in a mosaic landscape: insect control and disease ecology in the Lowveld. Habitat Selection of Wahlberg’s Epauletted Fruit Bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi) in an Agriculture/ Game Reserve Matrix.